What Not To Do on the Golf Course

What Not To Do on the Golf Course

When you're golfing, there's a few unspoken rules you should always follow. They help make the game safe and fun. Here's what not to do on the golf course.

What Not To Do on the Golf Course

Golf is a laid-back, exciting game as long as everyone involved plays by the rules. There's a little something called golf etiquette, and, to keep the game fun and protect your reputation as a golfer, it's in your best interest to follow it. Keep on reading to learn what not to do on the golf course.

Stepping on Someone Else's Line

If you're in a hurry, it might be tempting to make a shortcut through someone else's line. But should you? While it's unlikely to disrupt another player's game, stepping on their line is a breach of basic golf course etiquette. In a worst-case scenario, you could leave a foot imprint, which could interfere with the ball's roll towards the hole. Even worse, you could be struck—and injured—by a stray golf ball.

Hitting into the Group Ahead of You

This doesn't just violate basic etiquette—it's outright dangerous. Even when no one gets hurt, hitting the ball into a group of people can have unpredictable consequences. Some might laugh it off, but others could choose to confront you. For your safety and the safety of others, you should wait for the other group to pass. The one exception to this is if the other group has called you through.

Not Paying Attention

Looking at your phone isn't a big deal, is it? But when you're sparing a glance every few seconds, it can be difficult to focus on the game. Staying glued to your technology can prevent you from hanging out with your friends and family, enjoying nature, and playing golf. For now, it's best to put away your electronics—whether that's a phone, smartwatch, or other handheld device—and focus on the task at hand. There's always time to check your texts and voicemails later.

Giving Unwanted Advice

When you’re thinking of what not to do on the golf course, bombarding people with unwanted advice is probably one of the first things that comes to mind. Whether it's your partner or a random stranger, you should avoid giving out unwanted advice—unless you're someone like Adam Scott or David Leadbetter. Some people welcome advice, while other people despise it. Unless they mention it or explicitly ask for advice, it's better to not offer it. After all, golfers are proud people. They could take offense to your advice, even if it's well-meaning.

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